Dialing in my cast for my big move to Belize! Photo by Rick Depaiva
Two flights and I made my way to San Pedro. Next day nailing bonefish!
Jumped some nice tarpon this year fishing with www.belizefly.com
Kickin' back after the F3T showing in front of Tres Pescados Fly Shop, so much fun. Thanks for coming all the way from FL Holly & Molly to hang with us!!
Had a blast with April Vokey, one day of fishing was not enough! Can't wait to catch a steelhead with her one day.
Bonefishing with my girl Rachael! Quit yelling at her Wil :)
First trip to BC. Fun week filled with friends & family! Caught a mess of rainbows, drank too much Kokanee and found myself lost in BC's beauty.
Bones got bigger when I got back to Belize...
Next stop was Glovers Atoll for a few days of fishing with Yellow Dog Fly Fishing & good friends. Photo by Jim Klug
Participated in my first flyfishing tournament, the Tres Pescados Slam Tournament in Belize with my new friend Courtney Martin. Super sweet time fishing with this gal, can't wait till 2014!
Hit the FL Keys with the fam for lobster season, never missed a year in my life!
Commerical spearfishing back home for a bit with my Dad while my man is chasing steelhead in BC.
My first STEELHEAD! Incredible moment & fish. Thanks babe for teaching me how to swing & sticking me on that sweet run.
Short visit to Bozeman, got to meet all the great folks over at Simms Fishing. 'Waypoints' premiere was kick ass & Yellow Dog Flyfishing parties were flippin' sweet!!
Back in my hammock in Belize, time to roll in the New Year. I can sadly say that I did not catch a permit on fly in 2013 but I can say that I tried. Hope 2014 is full of peace, love & permit!